Simple to make and delicious for any occasion, Ellen at walks us through an easy Swedish Coffee Cake recipe using only a few ingredients. Don’t forget...
Playlist - Featured
Try this easy sweet and sour chicken recipe from Ellen at Sweet, savory and ready in minutes, this dish is great for family meals or as a take and bake for...
Our founder, Ellen Gefen is here to bring you the best boiled shrimp recipe out there! A native of Savannah, Georgia, Ellen grew up eating fresh seafood year-round, and...
This easy sweet and sour meatball recipe is perfect for any occasion! Try adding panko crumbs or matzoh meal to add a little texture. Whether you need a crowd-pleasing...
Virtual Condo Renovation with Rachel Moriarty: Part 1
Check out this virtual condo renovation with interior designer, Rachel Moriarty. Consulting with a designer is as easy as making a call over FaceTime, Zoom, or any other...
Carport Makeover Pt. 2- The Big Reveal
It’s here! The reveal of our Carport Makeover with @vlvdesign be sure to watch to the end to see the final result.We met Victoria years ago when she was in college...
Designer Corey Damen Jenkins Debuts New Art Collection
Grab your copy of Corey’s new book, Design Remix. Ellen caught up with artist and interior designer Corey Damen Jenkins at the Spring 2021 High Point Furniture...
Be OUTSPOKEN: Design That Makes a Statement
From tapestries to furniture, Be OUTSPOKEN offers fun and edgy home pieces that spark confidence and provide a call to action for anyone and everyone to live their best...
Check out the New Collection from Erin and Ben Napier
If you love HGTV’s “Home Town,” you’ll love the new Vaughn-Bassett furniture collection from Erin and Ben Napier. Ellen caught up with the Home...
Ellen chats with Sumaiya International — a third-generation rug company that offers custom creations for retailers and consumers. Sumaiya International is currently...