Brown Wood Elevates Custom Details with Luxury Designs of Distinction

Designs of Distinction by Brown Wood, Inc. crafts exceptional custom details that take center stage in any new home or remodeling project. Truly “it’s the details that matter” here, as Rachel Jacobs, Marketing Director, demonstrates the limitless possibilities.

Laser cuts and grills adorn cabinet tops and doors, and set a space apart from the ordinary. Different metal finishes blend with wood, glass, rattan, and Italian wire mesh. Extraordinary combinations of custom details transform an outdated kitchen into a brand new one. Beautiful wood and laser-cut metal end panels add classy finishing touches, and are a popular request.

Designs of Distinction’s custom details can transform the look of any kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom into a fashionable home. Work with a designer to bring these elegant design details to any living space. Watch the full interview on our YouTube channel here.

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