Bohemian Interior Design Ideas

If you’re unfamiliar with bohemian decor, it can just look like a whole lot of colors and patterns clashing together. But upon closer inspection, you’ll discover that bohemian style decor has a connective theme to it that makes it both bold and beautiful. If you’ve been favoring neutrals up until now, and are looking for something totally different, you might want to incorporate bohemian style decor into your digs. 

You’ll definitely recognize the bohemian style once you see it. It’s a relaxed look that features multiple textures and colors. And we’re not talking about pops of color from accent pillows or small pieces, but color that’s here, there, and everywhere! So be prepared to be bold with your choice of colors, textures, and layering to create a cohesive bohemian look that you’ll love in your home. Here’s how. 

Embrace the Bold

Bohemian style doesn’t shy away from color–at all. Whether it’s painting the entire room a deep turquoise color, or purchasing a purple sofa, you’ll want to embrace the use of strong colors in your design. If you’re new to this genre, you can always start with pops of color that come from pillows and cushions. Which leads to…  

Purchase Lots of Pillows

The bohemian style is far from fussy. In fact, it’s really all about comfort and kicking off your shoes after a long day. So when you begin to style your space, be sure to purchase lots of pillows to not only add to your design, but to create a delightfully restful space to return to at the end of the day. 

Don’t Skip the Ceiling

When it comes to bohemian style, the more the better. That’s why some people choose to decorate all areas of their space–including their ceilings. Whether it’s painting your ceiling as a feature “wall” or adding wallpaper to it, you’ll find that you can create a really cool vibe by including (and not neglecting) your ceiling. 

Make It International

The Boho chic look definitely takes its inspiration from other cultures around the world. The bright, bold colors of places like Greece, the Mediterranean, Spain, and more can be seen in bohemian decor. So if you travel to these locations, be sure to purchase items from your vacations to not only remember your trip, but to make your home even more beautiful. 

Incorporate Vintage Items

A bohemian-styled home often has vintage items as part of its decor. But instead of making them a centerpiece, vintage items become a part of the overall aesthetic. Look for new and exciting ways to incorporate them into your space so that they blend in beautifully, rather than sticking out. 

Adopting a bohemian style means that you can make your home beautiful, colorful, comfortable, and most of all, memorable for its originality. 
