How to Paint Your Kitchen Cabinets White

By Jennifer Parris

You went into your kitchen to get a cup of coffee, and you noticed that the cabinets looked a little, well, dingy. They’re still in fairly good condition, though, so you don’t want to rip them out and replace them. And since white makes a kitchen look light and bright, you’ve decided that now might be the time for a weekend warrior project to paint your cabinets. But if you thought that it was as simple as slapping some paint onto your cabinets, think again. Learn how to paint your kitchen cabinets white–the right way.

Choose Your Color

So, you’re probably thinking, “Well, I’ve already chosen my color: white.” But whites come in all different tones, from warm tones to cooler tones, so you’ll need to determine which one works best for your cabinets and the rest of your decor. You might try getting a sample so that you can paint a small portion of the cabinet to see how well it matches your kitchen, and how it looks during the day and night. That will help you determine your exact color. 

Prep Your Cabinets

Although you might be itching to start painting, you’ll need to prep your cabinets first. Start by sanding off any rough edges, and fill in any gaps. Even though white might make your cabinets look bright, it will also show off any imperfections as well. And if you’ve painted the cabinets a few times already, they might need to be stripped before you add yet another coat of paint. 

Buy Plenty Of Paint

Is it time to paint yet? Almost. Before you paint the first coat, be sure to start with a primer. Primer can help stabilize the material you’re painting on, and can also reduce unsightly stains. Another option is to buy a gallon of paint and primer in one. Although it can be more expensive, it can cut down on the additional painting and drying time that primer requires. 

Pick Your Painting Supplies

Just like the color of paint you choose, the type of gear you use to paint your kitchen cabinets can yield varying results. For example, using a hand brush will result in visible strokes, which might be a look that you want. If you want a cleaner, more modern look without any noticeable lines, a sprayer might be a better option. Just be sure to cover any surfaces (like appliances or kitchen counters) to avoid getting paint everywhere. 

Paint The Entire Cabinet

If you thought that you could get away with just painting the front of your cabinets, think again. Each time you open the cabinet door, you’ll see all the spots where the old paint is showing, such as seams or by hinges. So if you’re planning on painting your cabinets, be sure to dedicate enough time to do the entire cabinet (think front, back, sides, and interiors). That way, your cabinets will be beautiful from every angle. 

Painting your cabinets white is an affordable way to make your kitchen look beautiful, bright, and clean. Be sure to follow the necessary steps to ensure amazing results, and your cabinets will look great for years to come.  

For more tips on remodeling your kitchen check out our blog on How to Remodel Your Kitchen in 8 Easy Steps!
